Vizrt Technical Partner
- Media Asset Management
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- Video Editing/Publishing

With Adobe® Premiere Pro® CC, editors have seamless access to source media in Viz One. With Adobe Anywhere, editors in any location have the option edit Viz One assets directly from Adobe Premiere Pro.
The integration of Viz Engine and Viz One with the Adobe platform ensures that customers of Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe Anywhere have a Âsingle workflow, for all of their video and graphic needs.
Viz Engine
With our video effect plugÂin, NLE – part of Viz Trio, added to Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, journalists and graphics artists gain access to one of the world’s most powerful rendering engines – the Viz Engine. Adding Vizrt graphics is as easy as dragging a Vizrt effect to your sequence, and selecting which template and data to use. During rendering inside the respective Adobe product, graphics are fetched from the Viz Engine, and a finished flattened file is created.
Using our optional Vizrt panel for Viz One, timed graphics on a sequence can be saved as metadata in Viz One for driving Viz Trio and Viz Pilot. This Meta-graphics workflow allows the graphics to be edited until the moment they are sent to air or online.
Viz Pilot’s Newsroom Component is accessible from within the NLE plugin. This enables journalists to interact with and edit graphic elements. The plugins are available for both Windows and Mac.
Viz One
The Vizrt panel is a native Adobe Premiere Pro extension that provides search and media access from inside Premiere Pro. Search results can be directly dragged to the timeline or project, and immediately edited – without needing to wait for file transfers. Media is also automatically added inside the currently active project. Once the sequence is ready, the panel can manage local rendering, and export of the sequence, including metadata, back to Viz One. If graphics have been added from the Vizrt effects plugÂin, the sequence can either be saved as metadata or fully rendered. Users choose to either export to pre existing place holders, or to create an asset from scratch.
PreÂ-edit using proxy
With the help of Vizrt proxy tools Viz PreCut and Viz EasyCut, journalists preÂedit directly from their desktops. The resulting edit decision list (EDL) is then be opened in Adobe Premiere Pro. Once opened, the EDL is automatically reÂlinked to the highÂresolution media. This provides a very easy way of preÂediting from any desktop, then finishing the edit in Adobe Premiere Pro, saving time in the NLE, and requiring less skilled operators.
Seamlessly edit archived media
Older content is usually archived on longÂterm LTO storage once a production has aired. Retrieving this content can be cumbersome, requiring transfer and transcoding of files from one system to another before the user can again start working with it. With the Vizrt panel, archived media can easily be retrieved from the LTO library with a single click and with the sequence relinked – editing archived material becomes as easy as online material.
Edit media on thirdÂ-party systems via the Viz One gateway
Viz One can also serve as a gateway to media held on thirdÂ-party DAM, MAM and CMS systems. Adobe Premiere Pro accesses media on these systems via the panel. To achieve this, Viz One provides read access from Adobe Premiere Pro to the external storages where the media files are hosted. The gateway automatically creates proxy, allowing users to browse assets across multiple systems.