Viz Multiplay 3.1 offers a higher level of control for all video wall content with robust playout, metadata media search, improved newsroom playlist control and increased security.
Level up your playout
The operator can be more confident than ever with the enhanced Superchannels in Viz Multiplay 3.1. All content – images, videos, graphics, live sources – will playout as planned on the required videowall channel. This level of certainty is achieved by the arm & take functionality, which plays out the rendered content, or “taking”, while it prepares the next content sequence in the background, or “arming”, on the same video wall channel. The ease of use is supported by a traffic light system, where each colour indicates the render status of the content. This gives higher confidence to the operator and assurance that their video wall playout will be flawless. This workflow requires Media Sequencer version 5.5 and Viz Engine 5.
Level up your MOS integration
Viz Multiplay 3.1 further supports the newsroom workflow, allowing the operator to directly control and playout any MOS rundown instances from Viz Multiplay. As Viz Multiplay is a web-based application, the MOS rundown can be controlled from anywhere, on any device, contributing to increased control and flexibility of newsroom playlists. The newsroom rundown can be used as a playlist in Viz Multiplay, the same way an operator does in Viz Trio and Vizrt Director. The operator has the ability to edit Viz Pilot Edge data elements from the same playlist. All changes will be instantly saved (back) in the Pilot Database, creating a more efficient workflow between the newsroom and operators.
Level up your Media Search
A streamlined Media Search enables the operator to look up the needed media assets by searching any metadata field. Once Viz Multiplay is integrated with Viz One, Vizrt’s media asset management solution, the operator has an expanded range of search options to locate and use the right media file with ease and speed. With enriched Media Search the operator can quickly call up previous searches whenever needed, saving time during live production.
Level up your security
Viz Multiplay 3.1 can now work within an HTTPS environment, adding an extra layer of security to the overall organisation. HTTPS enables encrypted communication which permits additional security even when operators control the videowall content remotely. This security setup requires Vizrt Media Sequencer version 5.5.
Other improvements:
- The preview of the videowall content can be assigned to a separate Viz Engine, with the option to be cleared and cleaned – removing confusion
- Loaded content status for page lists and playlists can be aggregated
- All elements in auto playlists can be cleared up with a single click
- Images can be auto-adjusted when added to filled presets
- Thumbnails of images can show the cropped result
- Stop points can be visualized
- Added keyboard shortcut to shortcut playlist elements (like presets)
For the full release notes and to download the Viz Multiplay 3.1 installer please visit the Vizrt FTP site under /products/VizMultiplay/LatestVersion