Viz Mosart
Product and maintenance updates

Viz Mosart
Product & Maintenance Updates
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Viz Mosart 5.10
January 31tst, 2025 | Viz Mosart 5.10 brings several improvements, new integrations, and workflow enhancements for automated productions of news, sports, and other scripted and non-scripted content. Highlights include greater API connectivity, closer integration with Viz graphics, much simpler setup for TriCasters, and support for Panasonic’s KAIROS video switcher.
Learn more about this release in the release article, and active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP

Viz Mosart 5.8 & Web Apps 2.0
October 3rd, 2024 | Viz Mosart 5.8 and Web Apps 2.0 introduces several enhancements and bug fixes. Direct control of inexpensive NDI® PTZ cameras (such as the award-winning Vizrt PTZ3 PLUS cameras) is now possible, making Viz Mosart even more appealing for smaller productions. Cloud and hybrid deployments are further simplified with integration with GV AMPP. And this release includes a preview of a brand new Showmaker Web App for simple rundown creation where a Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) isn’t available or would be overkill.
Learn more about this release in the release article, and active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.8.

Viz Mosart 5.7.1
May 15th, 2024 | Viz Mosart 5.7.1 is a minor release and provides fixes for two rare bugs affecting clip search and connections to NRCS. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.7.1

Viz Mosart 5.7
April 30th, 2024 | Viz Mosart 5.7 is a minor release and brings several UX improvements and resolves several bugs. New features include support for MOS Protocol 4.0 and a new driver for video servers that support the Advanced Media Protocol (AMP). Further improvements have been made to the Remote Control Service and video clip status handling. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.7

Viz Mosart 5.6
March 25th, 2024 | Viz Mosart 5.6 is a minor release and brings several UX improvements and resolves a large number of bugs. New features include an indicator for which windows are “floating” and pagination in the Template Editor. Improvements have been made to video clip status handling, the Remote Control API, the Audio Player, and more. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.6

Viz Mosart 5.5
February 12th, 2024 | Viz Mosart 5.5 brings a big boost in flexibility with the introduction of a new Generic REST driver. This reduces the need for macros, GPIs, and fiddly conversion hardware, and allows you to easily configure your own template-driven commands for any device with a simple REST API.
With this release, you can now control Viz Mosart using the award-winning new TriCaster Flex and Flex Dual control surfaces, offering a highly configurable, professional-quality haptic alternative to using a computer keyboard or third-party control panel. Other improvements include better clip status visibility in mirrored video server setups (with visual indications in the rundown for clip availability on both active and inactive servers), extended support for several third-party devices, and improved handling of graphics templates. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.5

Viz Mosart 5.4
October 23rd, 2023 | Viz Mosart 5.4 further reinforces Viz Mosart’s role as a powerful graphics control client for live production assistance by introducing Viz Flowics graphics control and the ability to edit Viz Pilot Edge graphics event data directly in the Viz Mosart UI to allow last-second changes to be made. Other improvements include remote control of Viz Mosart from 3rd party systems, an improved keyboard shortcut design, and a preview of new Timeline and Story script windows. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.4

Viz Mosart 5.3
July 11th, 2023 | Viz Mosart 5.3 is a minor release and introduces a preview of enhanced automation of Vizrt graphics, starting with the ability to schedule Viz Arc (augmented reality) objects directly in your Viz Mosart rundown. Other updates include the ability to record clips in TriCaster and Viz Vectar Plus, UX enhancements, and improvements to Engine Switcher. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.3

Viz Mosart 5.2
April 4th, 2023 | Viz Mosart 5.2 is now officially available. This is a minor feature release and includes several updates and bug fixes. Highlights include the introduction of Wibu licensing functionality, the combination of the MOS-based and iNews-based Manu Administrator into one single application, the ability to recall Control Commands in Preview, and Ardour audio mixer support via the OSC protocol. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site.

Viz Mosart Web Apps 1.6
March 8th, 2023 | Viz Mosart Web Applications 1.6 is now officially available. Building on major improvements from 1.5, this release includes several updates including a dedicated mobile layout for the new Rundow Viewer app on tablets and phones, highlighted search text in the NRCS web app, and a new look for the Timing Display. Active customers can download the installation files and release notes from the Vizrt FTP site.

Viz Mosart 5.1.1
January 25th, 2023 | Viz Mosart 5.1.1 is officially available and can be downloaded from the FTP: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.1.1. This is a maintenance release and includes several improvements and fixes. For more information see the release notes in the Vizrt FTP.

Viz Mosart 5.1
November 3rd, 2022 | The latest release of the market-leading studio automation software, Viz Mosart 5.1, introduces the brand-new Engine Switcher for Viz Mosart, enabling automated productions without the need for a dedicated video switcher. This release also includes security enhancements and various bug fixes. Read the full release notes by clicking the button below.

Viz Mosart 5.0.3
June 24th, 2022 | This is a maintenance release and includes several improvements and fixes. The update can be downloaded from the FTP server, along with more information in the release notes: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/

Viz Mosart 5.0.2 and
NRCS Plugin 1.3
June 24th, 2022 | This is a maintenance release and includes several improvements and fixes. The update can be downloaded from the FTP server, along with more information in the release notes: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/

Viz Mosart 5.0.2
April 1st, 2022 | Viz Mosart 5.0.2 is now officially available (April 1st, 2022). This is a maintenance release and includes several improvements and fixes. The NRCS Plugin 1.3 for Viz Mosart is also available as a Minor release (February 7th, 2022), providing various new features and enhancements. Both updates can be downloaded from the FTP server, along with more information in the release notes: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/

Viz Mosart 5.0.1
January 19th, 2022 | Viz Mosart 5.0.1 is now officially available and can be downloaded from the FTP: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-5.0.1. This is a maintenance release and includes several improvements and fixes. For more information see the release notes in FTP.

Viz Mosart 5
October 19th, 2021 | The latest major release of the market-leading studio automation software, Viz Mosart 5, introduces the brand-new Story Recorder feature, enabling recorded shows to enjoy the production ease and quality improvements that studio automation brings and effectively removing the need for additional editing in post-production.

NCS Plugin 1.2.0 and
Rest API 1.2.0
July 16th, 2021 | These are minor releases, in addition to several bug fixes the releases include improved NCS design and workflow. The installers can be downloaded from the FTP: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/WebComponents/

Viz Mosart 4.1.2
June 24th, 2021 | This is a maintenance release and includes support for MySQL 8 along with several bug fixes. The installers can be downloaded from the FTP: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/VizMosart-4.1.2

Viz Mosart Web Components 1.1.0
May 7th, 2021 | Mosart Web Components 1.1.0 is now officially released. The installers can be downloaded from FTP: /products/VizMosart/Latest Version/WebComponents.