Viz Eclipse
Product and maintenance updates

Viz Eclipse
Product & Maintenance Updates
Viz Eclipse 2.3.1
March 29th, 2021 | This is a maintenance release containing only bug fixes. Installation file and release note can be found on the Vizrt FTP site (/products/VizEclipse/LatestVersion folder).

Viz Eclipse 2.2
May 15th, 2021 | This is a maintenance release containing only bug-fixes. Installation file and release note can be downloaded from the Vizrt FTP site (/products/VizEclipse/)

Viz Eclipse 2.1
February 15th, 2021 | Vizrt has released the latest edition of the virtual advertising solution, Viz Eclipse 2.3, with significant quality and functionality improvements. Viz Eclipse is the pioneering solution that allows overlaying field-side static or dynamic perimeter LED boards in real-time with virtually enhanced advertising. Vizrt is offering Viz Eclipse as part of its Sports Solution portfolio, empowering sports federations, rights owners, sponsors and broadcasters to smartly and cost-effectively target their audiences and unlock additional revenues.

Viz Eclipse 2.3.1
29 March, 2021: This is a maintenance release containing only bug-fixes. Installation file and release note can be found on the Vizrt FTP site (/products/VizEclipse/LatestVersion folder).

Viz Eclipse 2.1
15 February, 2021: Vizrt has released the latest edition of the virtual advertising solution, Viz Eclipse 2.3, with significant quality and functionality improvements. Viz Eclipse is the pioneering solution that allows overlaying field-side static or dynamic perimeter LED boards in real-time with virtually enhanced advertising. Vizrt is offering Viz Eclipse as part of its Sports Solution portfolio, empowering sports federations, rights owners, sponsors and broadcasters to smartly and cost-effectively target their audiences and unlock additional revenues.

Viz Eclipse 2.2
15 May, 2021: This is a maintenance release containing only bug-fixes. Installation file and release note can be downloaded from the Vizrt FTP site (/products/VizEclipse/)