Viz World
Bring the world to your audience

Enables producers, journalists, and operators to include branded maps and geographical information in any story
Create branded maps that include optional data for streets, satellite imagery, topography, and more
Boost viewer engagement by including animated real-time maps in your storytelling
Viz World enables producers, journalists, and operators to include maps and geographical information in any Vizrt graphic template. Maps are supported by all journalist entry systems in Vizrt such as Viz Pilot, Viz Multiplay, and others. Users can automatically change map locations, add animated 3D objects and labels, show street and traffic information, display on-demand satellite images, create geographical locators, and design fully animated real-time 3D branded maps.
Maps from Viz World can be part of any live production, from daily news stories to virtual sets and augmented reality presentations. The system’s flexibility and unique branding capabilities allow map designs to be a key part of the company’s on-air design.
Comprehensive data options
Viz World includes a database of political boundaries, coastlines, rivers, major roads, named places, and relief topography covering the entire world. In addition, you can use optional data for streets, satellite imagery, topography, and more. Further enhancements are possible when including live geo-referenced feeds for elections and weather.
Satellite imagery – Satellite imagery is available at a variety of resolutions. With Viz World users have access to online satellite imagery providers to download imagery directly from within Viz World when editing map templates.
Street Data – Local and highly detailed street data is available for countries and cities around the globe. Data is searchable by street name, address, point of interest, or intersection.
Relief topography – The relief data included with Viz World originates from the USGS (US Geological Survey) and has a 1km resolution. Higher resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data is also available for large areas, including 90m data for most of the world, and 30m data for all of the USA and some European countries.
KML/KMZ data – Import custom vector data in .kml and .kmz formats from a variety of open-source vendors or create your own. The option allows broadcasters to use custom data that is specific to their regional needs.
.SHP – Import standard .shp files for custom graphics information, including government utilities and voting districts.
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