Our Future Vision

Our Future Vision

As a company we know that effective corporate sustainability is not just about building a future for our business, but also for our people, our customers, our communities, and our planet.

“Our goal for corporate responsibility at Vizrt is to always lead from the front. Vizrt aims to inspire, to innovate, and to act for a better tomorrow.”

Anna Dahlfors, Chief Human Resources Officer

Global CSr Committee

Each office has a local CSR team that reports into a Global committee to share best practice and inspiration.

Each local team is responsible for initiatives that impact the local community, reduce the environmental impact of our offices, and raise money for charity.

Here are a selection of images from our local CSR groups.

Rise – Women In Broadcast

Vizrt works closely with the membership organisation – Rise – which champions gender diversity across the media technology sector. 

Projects include running workshops at their Rise Academy, as well as sponsoring the annual Rise Awards.

Global Media & Entertainment Talent Manifesto

As part of our Global CSR outreach in 2024 we are working closely with a project called the Global Media & Entertainment Talent Manifesto which addresses the shortage of diverse media technical and engineering talent across the media technology sector. Vizrt is a founding sponsor.

Excellence in Sustainability Award

As part of our work with Rise, many employees take part in the organization’s mentoring schemes – both as mentors and mentees. Read about the Rise mentoring scheme here.

Vizrt’s Sustainability Report 2023

As part of our financial reporting Vizrt produces a sustainability report each year.

Read through the overview of our sustainability activities and initiatives in 2023 here.

Vizrt’s Sustainability Policy

Corporate Governance is a key part of how we run our business sustainably. Key policies are crucial.

Read through Vizrt’s Sustainability Policy here.

Rise Mentoring Programme

As part of our work with Rise, many employees take part in the organization’s mentoring schemes – both as mentors and mentees.