2022 Winter Games

bbc beijing

2022 Winter Games

Read how broadcasters are covering all the action in Beijing

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Winter is Coming: Beijing 2022

The Winter Games are here and Vizrt solutions are supporting some of the world’s biggest broadcasters to enhance coverage of some of the most critical sports’ broadcasts of the year. The key goals for many of the broadcasters this year are the same – immerse audiences in the games with innovative technology to produce and cover the games in a safe and sustainable way.

Read below to dive into the details on the technology powering the coverage of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games.

CBC virtual studio olympics

CBC/Radio-Canada transport athletes from China to Canada via Vizrt XR Set

18th February, 2022

For its coverage of the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, CBC and Radio-Canada are relying on a remote production model with broadcasts originating from Canada. Athletes can be keyed in from the IBC and appear directly in the studio with the host, in a teleportation effect for these remote interviews. This effect is powered by Vizrt’s XR Studio solution.

Courtesy of Newscast Studio

Mirror News Taiwan’s newsroom powered by Vizrt for Winter Games coverage

18th February, 2022

One of Taiwan’s 24-hour news network programs, Mirror News, the newest broadcaster in Taiwan, is covering the Winter Games from Beijing across its network, and social channels. They are using Vizrt to power the entire studio, with Viz Vectar, a few NDI output Viz Engines, the full graphics solution, CG, AR, Viz Multiplay for control, Viz Mosart for automation, and Viz One for media asset management. 

Courtesy of Mirror News Taiwan


Mirror News Taiwan Olympics

Al Arabiya creates immersive Winter Games Wonderland
with Vizrt XR Set

Al Arabiya’s hard news show, Hour 60, produces extended reality clips during every show to bring audiences into the most prominent stories happening around the world. The studio was designed with storytelling in mind from every surface with several large video walls and unique talent positions to add AR elements to broadcasts for at-home viewers.

They also have a large virtual window that allows them to extend from the studio into virtual space, as they did to create the Winter Wonderland highlighting the Beijing Winter Games. As the camera pans out of the studio, the virtual window showcases speed skaters, skiers, and snowboarders alongside the iconic rings, then scans a myriad of activities happening in a mock arena, complete with falling snow. With that level of detail, it is easy to imagine yourself right there alongside the athletes.  

Al Arabiya uses Vizrt’s XR Set for the AR and VR, combined with Unreal Engine 4, Viz Multiplay to control the video walls and Viz Mozart for automation during live production.  Learn about Vizrt’s XR Set Solution here.

Viz Social Winter Games

China’s biggest broadcaster, CGTN, achieves world first
with NewTek TriCaster

5G, AR and a high-speed train are the technological advancements adopted by CGTN for Beijing 2022. Connecting the three competition zones across China, are bullet trains. By using the latest 5G, 4K, 8K and AI technology not only did CGTN recreate the train virtually to represent in the studio, but they’ve also built a studio in the train.

It will be the first time in the world to record and broadcast Ultra HD live streaming from a high-speed train to the broadcaster’s 150 million global followers. Powering both the studio on the train, and CGTN’s virtual studio, are NewTek TriCasters. This is also a first-time application of utilizing 5G for a live show.