Solis Digital

Solis Digital

Samantha Torres, a freelance producer, is booked months ahead of time, and rarely gets a week off. Curious about the reason for Samantha’s popularity? It’s simple. She’s a TriCaster master – a specialist in the use of Vizrt’s latest video production platform, the TriCaster 2 Elite, a top-of-the-line device that offers users groundbreaking functionalities and…

iFast Corporation

iFast Corporation

One of the major consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic has been an acceleration in remote models of doing business. While face-to-face contact remains the gold standard for many companies, the practicalities of arranging meetings in a shifting patchwork of international restrictions has become a logistical nightmare, as well as a profound health and safety issue….

TriCaster® Video Production System and NDI® Revolutionize Online Debate Competition for National Taiwan University Yi-En Oregon Debate Championship 2020

TriCaster® Video Production System and NDI® Revolutionize Online Debate Competition for National Taiwan University Yi-En Oregon Debate Championship 2020

Yi-En Oregon Debate Competition of National Taiwan University (NTU) is one of the most prominent Oregon debate championships of the Chinese language competitive debate community. In 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak rendered the usual competition format unworkable, the organizer had to adapt innovative technologies to make sure the most prominent debate championship lives on. Vizrt –…

TriCaster® Saves Biotech Firm’s Annual Sales Conference

TriCaster® Saves Biotech Firm’s Annual Sales Conference

TriCaster® Saves Biotech Firm’s Annual Sales Conference Video – Modal backup One of the first things to be jettisoned by the business world following the onset of the coronavirus was the sales conference; that once-a-year opportunity for a company’s far-flung salesforce to gather in one location to share solutions and strategies, celebrate successes and analyze…


Video Production Initiative for Corporate and In-house Events

In May 2021, denON ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. implemented TriCaster® 2 Elite, an all-in-one live video production system from Vizrt. The company launched a professional online streaming service, primarily for corporate and in-house events, by adopting new video production methods using TriCaster for companies seeking a more advanced video production. denON ENGINEERING provides a wide range of…

Damn Good Productions

Damn Good Productions

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIADamn Good Productions, an Australian–headquartered video production company known for its high–profile clients in the corporate and entertainment markets, was hired by American technology company Pitney Bowes to reimagine its 2021 annual live kick–off meeting as a live virtual event for its, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand region. Because of Damn Good’s long experience…

Ottawa-based exists to supply entrepreneurs in every corner of the world with the tools they need to start their own businesses. From creating a brand to managing orders, shipping and payments to setting up a business website, makes it easy to launch a new business. Since its inception, Shopify’s focus on the entrepreneur…