Start your journey.
Train for free and become a Viz Trio certified operator!
Enroll in Viz University today

Talented character generator (CG) operators are always in high demand, but competition is fierce. Make your resume stand out by joining an ever-growing group of freelance operators certified in Viz Trio, the world’s most used CG in the broadcast industry.
What is Viz Trio?
Viz Trio is a feature-rich advanced playout control application that empowers operators to be fast and confident in their playout of real-time data-driven graphics. It enables true ease of use with a customizable interface and effortless data integration, supporting operators to control 3D graphics for any type of show, from news, and sports to entertainment.
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The Viz Trio training covers everything you need
to get started with and master Viz Trio operation
In this course, you will discover the power of using Viz Trio; and get an introduction to Viz Trio’s core functions and system architecture in addition to the general operational workflow of a Viz Trio system. Learn how to work with shows and playlists, how to edit templates and create pages, implement concepts and variants, create scrollers, work with maps, transition logic, and standalone scenes, video and imagery, and more.
Why enroll and certify?
What are you waiting for? Enroll today for free and become a Viz Trio certified operator professional. We look forward to having you as part of our community!