Welcome to Viz University
Our goal is to help all Vizrt users to use our solutions and products successfully and in the most efficient way: With our online courses for designers, operators or technicians, you can learn how to create amazing results. Our top experts guide you through the first steps, introduce you to the main workflows and show you how to develop more advanced user skills. The video-based courses also help experienced users to discover new functionality fast.

Vizrt Customer and Partner
Vizrt customers and partners can access the entire Viz University course catalogue. Discover Viz U now and explore what the latest courses have to offer.
Free Vizrt Training & Certifications
Looking for Viz Artist training? Maybe you want to learn about TriCaster, or NDI? Or about certifying your skills in Viz Libero? Even if you are not a Vizrt customer, you can access a selection of free training courses and browse the available certifications in our free catalogue..

Viz University offers the training materials you need to prepare for your certification exam and to become a Vizrt Certified Professional.

Certified professionals
The Certified Professionals are expert users of Vizrt products. Join their ranks by taking the challenge and getting certified!