The all-new Viz Social combines the powerful cloud-native, browser-based Flowics backend with Vizrt graphics to offer you an easier and more efficient way to curate content and connect with your audience.
Stay On Top Of Trending News And Events
Manage all your social media curation and publication in one intuitive browser interface.
Create cool competitions, and connect with your audience both on TV and via second screens.
Publish with ease via Viz Trio or Viz Pilot Edge templates.
What You’ll Learn
- Exploring the redesigned UX, including improved accessibility and navigation.
- How to collect, curate and create social media visualization.
- Engaging viewers on second screens
- Creating a variety of polls and competitions
- Additional audience interaction mechanics
- Publishing via Viz Trio and Viz Pilot Edge templates
- Publishing via other graphics visualization systems
- A live Q&A session with the Product team
Meet Your Presenter

Chris Black,

Jose Phon,