Convenience, efficiency and innovation among reasons why Amu TV’s remote news team chose Viz Flowics

Studio 3

The Afghan diaspora multimedia channel Amu TV produces live shows for both streaming and satellite TV. The team is spread out across different parts of the world, necessitating a seamless way to share content, especially graphics.

The team of independent journalists has been using Viz Flowics to create all its newsroom lower-third and overlay graphics since they began broadcasting in May 2023. Shows and news bulletins are produced in English, Farsi, and Pashto.

Nimble production tools

Journalists on the ground send their gathered news to the editorial desk in Europe for review and context. Once the stories are ready to air, they are pushed to the studio at the headquarters in Virginia for broadcast.

What they were looking for were nimble production tools. The team decided early on that their newsroom graphics solution must allow their journalists, editors, and operators to remotely access and manage playouts. Part of their consideration was also for a solution that would not require extensive experience in creating and managing broadcast graphics. Their research brought them to Viz Flowics.

Farin Sadiq Amu TV
Farin Sadiq Amu TV

Viz Flowics has revolutionized our playout graphics at Amu TV. With its web-based, user-friendly interface, our team can easily manage and access the platform from different locations. The integration of HTML5-based graphics in the cloud has streamlined our operations, empowering operators to create and manage live assets,” says Farin Sadiq, Head of Creative, Amu TV.


With the help of Viz Flowics support, the production team at Amu TV quickly developed its new graphics packages. Since everything is online, it’s easy for them to work across multiple time zones. Additionally, Viz Flowics also supports right-to-left script, so it was easy for the channel to switch from English to Farsi and Pashto.

“Viz Flowics is ideal for channels like Amu TV that require clean and functional graphics that are easy to build and publish from anywhere. Amu TV has a news team that’s in all four corners of the world. They wanted a graphics platform that was easy to use, fast to deploy, accessible on the web, secure, and reliable; a plug-and-play solution that they could roll out within days. And that’s what we delivered,” says Gabriel Baños, co-founder of Flowics.    

Access management for editorial control

Another key Viz Flowics feature for the team is the accessibility levels for editorial control. This allows the team to limit who has access to the Editor interface. At Amu TV only the head of news and journalists can edit graphics which gives a distributed team higher control and reduces the danger of errors on air.“Viz Flowics has not only simplified our workflow but also fostered seamless collaboration and boosted our productivity. It’s the ultimate solution that combines convenience, efficiency, and innovation, making it a catalyst for our success,” emphasizes Sadiq.

Viz Flowics is a SaaS plug-and-play solution suited for both slimline budget-conscious productions such as Amu TV, as well as larger-scale live productions.

Check out our free HTML5 Graphics guide for live productions to explore more reasons why broadcast crews, large and small, love Viz Flowics.

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