What is corporate TV and why is it set to reform enterprise communications?

How Dynamic, Video-First Content is Shaping the Future of Enterprise Engagement

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What is corporate TV and why is it set to reform enterprise communications?

Discover how dynamic, video-first content is shaping the future of enterprise engagement

As organizations evolve, so does their need to communicate more effectively with employees, stakeholders, and customers. Enter Corporate TV – a dynamic platform that transforms internal communications into engaging, visually compelling narratives. More than just another channel for meetings or updates, corporate TV leverages storytelling, interactivity, and real-time visual communication to create a unified brand experience across the enterprise.

At Vizrt, we understand that Corporate TV is not just about broadcasting messages; it’s about creating compelling content that resonates. Our solutions, rooted in powerful visual storytelling tools, offer organizations the ability to create seamless, professional-grade TV-style broadcasts that elevate internal communication to the next level.


Corporate TV refers to an enterprise’s internal video content platform, offering businesses a centralized way to share updates, training, leadership messaging, and other important information. It combines the power of traditional television broadcasts with the flexibility of digital video, resulting in a cohesive visual communication strategy that drives engagement, culture, and productivity.

With the rapid rise of hybrid work environments and remote teams, companies need a more dynamic way to communicate. Traditional emails or slide presentations no longer hold the same impact. Corporate TV fills this gap by using multi-format video content to deliver messages in an engaging, real-time manner. It ensures all employees, regardless of location, are aligned and feel part of the same organizational culture.

Is corporate tv the future of company comms?

Research shows that 75% of employees are more likely to watch a video than read an email, making Corporate TV the preferred medium for internal communication. Furthermore, video content is retained at a rate of 95%, compared to only 10% when reading text. These statistics underscore the fact that organizations must adapt their communication strategies to meet the modern workforce’s expectations for engaging, interactive content.

The shift to video-first communication isn’t just a trend, it’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced business environment. According to a Brightcove study, video drives 1200% more shares than text and images combined, and 59% of executives would prefer to consume information via video rather than reading a document.

Research shows that 75% of employees are more likely to watch a video than read an email, making Corporate TV the preferred medium for internal communication. Furthermore, video content is retained at a rate of 95%, compared to only 10% when reading text. These statistics underscore the fact that organizations must adapt their communication strategies to meet the modern workforce’s expectations for engaging, interactive content.

The shift to video-first communication isn’t just a trend, it’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced business environment. According to a Brightcove study, video drives 1200% more shares than text and images combined, and 59% of executives would prefer to consume information via video rather than reading a document.

Corporate TV powered by Vizrt

At Vizrt, we know that delivering content at this scale and quality requires robust solutions. Our suite of tools, including TriCaster and Viz Virtual Studio Go, enables corporate teams to create high-end graphics and video content with broadcast-quality production. These tools provide flexibility to deliver interactive, data-driven visual experiences that captivate and engage. Whether you’re producing content for an all-hands meeting, investor briefing, or training session, Vizrt’s tools empower businesses to communicate with the same level of professionalism as traditional broadcasters.

Earlier this year, we hosted the One Vizion Summit, a three-day onsite conference that brought together over 200 of our employees in person, with hundreds more participating globally through live streaming. The Summit was designed to engage Vizrt’s global workforce, ensuring alignment with the company’s vision, strategy, and goals.

The Summit was live streamed to remote employees, who could interact with the event through tools like Microsoft Teams. This setup allowed for live feedback and questions, creating a two-way communication channel that made remote viewers feel included and engaged.

The event included video playback, live graphics, and instant switching between different media formats. This dynamic content delivery was crucial for maintaining engagement and ensuring the audience, both onsite and remote, received a consistent and high-quality experience.

As a result, the company saw favorable feedback in the post-summit survey where employees rated the value and the video quality of the live stream a 4.2 out of 5. Some of the feedback employees had given were:

“Planned to perfection. I found all the presentations excellent and informative.”

“Watching the live stream from my home office made me feel included as if I were physically present at the event.”

“Sound and video quality was perfect, very professional. It was terrific!”

“It was a great experience overall. I think it was perfect.”

Our success in using our own technologies serves as a testament to the power of Corporate TV.

Internally, we integrated our own solutions to create a highly effective hybrid event, which has brought departments across the globe closer together, improving collaboration, transparency, and employee engagement.

Moreover, organizations adopting Corporate TV have reported substantial improvements in their communication effectiveness. According to a study by Wainhouse Research, companies using Corporate TV platforms experienced a 34% increase in employee engagement and a 28% increase in message retention. These results highlight the transformative potential of video as a corporate communication tool, particularly when paired with the right technology.

How Vizrt is leading the Corporate TV revolution

Vizrt’s solutions stand at the intersection of visual storytelling, data-driven content, and broadcast-quality production. Our flexible and scalable technology allows businesses to create branded, professional-grade TV experiences that integrate seamlessly into existing workflows.

Using Vizrt’s technology, companies can:

  • Create live, on-demand, and interactive video content with powerful visual effects and dynamic data integration.
  • Customize and automate content distribution to ensure the right message reaches the right people at the right time.
  • Track engagement and optimize content based on viewer behavior and analytics.
  • Enable real-time collaboration across departments, ensuring consistency in messaging and brand representation.

Corporate TV is not just a tool; it’s a strategic advantage in today’s communication landscape. At Vizrt, we’ve seen the results firsthand where our technology has revolutionized how we communicate internally. As businesses face new challenges in encouraging engagement, connection, and culture across distributed teams, Vizrt offers the solutions to empower organizations to succeed.

If you’re ready to transform your corporate communication, speak to one of our solution experts today.